Tuesday, February 06, 2007
no work and no play makes me a diabetic! holy crap, should at least consider doing any form of physical exertion. my inactive lifestyle started when i finished my ROTC class. ever since, i never did anything that could be considered as exercise. the doctor has already warned me that if i keep this up, im going to have spinal problems at an early age. im guessing in my 30s. well, im not really that physically unfit but i do get tired a lot or i get tired easily. also, since college, i knew my physical limitations. that i can only last for 30 mins of continued physical exertion. beyond that, i get nauseous and most likely vomit. as for intense and focused physical exertion, the time limit is 3 mins. beyond that, i become light headed. that was back in college, which was 3 years ago.