Sunday, August 26, 2007

my screen is back to its old broken state again. do i need to buy a new monitor? i think this can be repaired but the question is which is more costly, buy a new one which could last longer or have it repaired but wont guarantee how long it will stay fixed? this monitor's been only 3 years old, when it comes to usage of course. my monitor before this one lasted six years! well, it broke down after five years but the repair done made it last for another year, so six years total. and this one has a better brand. i think. its a samsung monitor. not sure if this is a good brand when it comes to PC monitors. my DVD drive is a samsung and its better than my generic cd drive. but my cd drive is still ok. so in terms of durability, the generic cd drive is doing ok. and so was my old PC monitor. sure the samsung monitor is slightly better but now that it has broken down (i am convinced at the moment that its the PC monitor thats acting funny and not the CPU), the sort of generic monitor i had before is more durable and might have been better. problem with generic products is that, you really cant be assured youll find them again after some time. i havent seen my old monitor being sold in stores for years! to have it repaired or not to have it repaired is the question. most likely, repair is the best option at the moment. buying a new one is just expensive. buying a second-hand monitor is just similar to having it repaired. crap. i just dont know what to do with this. its like a hardware defect on the printer. i wont be able to fix it with some troubleshooting stuff or re-installing something. anyway, im still going to keep the PC running and see what happens next.