Monday, August 27, 2007

had my PC monitor fixed today. i was right, it was the monitor. its a bit obvious but im a skeptic so that explains why i had to make sure if it really was the monitor. first checked at SM north for computer repair shops because i cant think of any shop in our area. computer repair shops near our area usually close down after a few months or a year or two. well, there was one and they said it would take 3-5 days. they have a lot of pending repairs and only one guy in their staff fixes PC monitors. i even saw another PC monitor of the same brand and model (samsung syncmaster 591s) in the repair shop. wasnt able to ask what was wrong with that one. anyway, it was too long (the 3-5 days before having it repaired and claimed) so we decided to look for another repair shop. and since they are the only repair shop that fixes PC monitors, we had to look somewhere aside from the mall. so we went to kamias, the same road where we had our TV fixed. well, we should have went there first before heading for the mall since there was a repair shop which wasnt only nearer our place but also much cheaper (the one at the mall had a diagnostic fee of P600, based from their posters. the one in kamias only costs P500 total). so i finally had it repaired there. it took more or less 3 hours (which is much faster than 3-5 days). i also saw another PC monitor of the same brand and model as mine. that made me think, is there something wrong with this PC monitor model? why do i keep seeing it in repair shops? the same exact model as mine. so i asked whats wrong with that monitor and they said it was for sale. and apparently its second hand. and then i just read from OJ's bulletin board in friendster that a person he knows is selling her PC. and that PC has the same monitor i have, Samsung SyncMaster 591s. its like, in one day, ive encountered monitors of the same brand and model three times. 2 in the repair shop and one for sale. so is there something wrong with this model? i dont know. ive had this monitor for three years and it never gave me a single problem. it never acted funny and never broke down until last saturday afternoon. after having it fixed, it seems ok again. it just depends how long this one will stay fixed. so far, its been an ok PC monitor. but compared to my old generic monitor which lasted 5 years (at least before having it repaired, total of 6 years of usage), if this samsung monitor breaks down again soon, then it only means its not durable. and durability matters for me when it comes to PC monitors. i think.