Thursday, April 12, 2007
im not blogging as often as i used to...why? i dont know. anyway, just read an email that mam avena gave a passing grade to everyone in her class this semester. so, am i regretting my decision to drop? nope. like i said, im really having problems during that time and if i continued my civil procedure subject, things might have gone worse. so when i said i was dropping for health reasons, i wasnt just saying it as an excuse. i really was having health concerns back then. if i not for that health concern, i might have soldiered on and continued the subject. unfortunately, that wasnt the case. well, too bad for me. as if im suprised. nothing ever goes my way. i should be happy nothing bad is happening to me at the moment and not expect anything more. that's the kind of life i have. always bad, sometimes bad, and nothing bad. its never something good. the peak is when nothing bad is happening. that's why i learned how to be contented. because things could be worse. so be thankful that things arent worse because hoping for something more will just lead to frustrations. so, the commercial on JackTv was right. the key to life is lowered expectations.