Wednesday, January 10, 2007
starting to get used to the slow internet speed...seems it would really take weeks or months to fix those cables. anyway, the first 10 days of the year seem to be ok. got called for labor class. the only difference this time is that, wasnt sure if i really was called or not. the prof looked in our direction, and i thought he was looking at me, and since im usually called to recite, without waiting for him to utter a name, i stood up. the prof asked whether how sure was i that he was going to call me? well, since i already stood up, the prof allowed me to continue anyway. as for the next class, i also got called. this time its for sure, the prof called me, making a comment that she finally saw me. not sure if that meant its just my first time to recite or she realized that i didnt do well on the first time and i need to recite. anyway, fortunately, the bell rang, signifying the end of the class, so i can continue reciting the following meeting, giving me a day to prepare.