Wednesday, January 11, 2006

one problem of having so many email addresses is that you forget to check some of them. i just checked one of them and found out that i haven't checked one of my online accounts, the one from its been probably more than a year or maybe even two years since i last logged in. here is my profile for myspace which somehow reflects my state of mind a few years ago. i posted it so i can constantly remind myself who i am (i have this tendency to have an identity crisis from time to time).

i am. (skip this and move to the next paragraph if you are not wasting your time at the moment, no one reads these profiles anyway when they have some other things to do or can do) more about me...hmmm...well, i am currently undergoing a re-construction of myself after a series of events contested my beliefs and principles in life and projected my strength as a weakness. at this very moment, i am still unsure whether to abandon my current way of living and set-up an entirely new one or stick to it but conduct a few reforms here and there. what is my current way of living? all i can say is that it has given me this feeling of invulnerability to most things and that only God can pose a challenge in life and that my life in general is extremely boring and easy and in a way perfect, everything is all in the mind. i like the way i live already and that every problem i have can be solved. unfortunately, i live in a world that does not operate in the same way, therefore, making some of my ways of living contradictory or in conflict with the way people actually live . the problem is, the source of my strength, invulerability and boredom is due to my loner ways when man by nature is a social animal. in order to not to have a boring life, i must immerse myself and learn (again for i have un-learned it already) what this world considers as a norm, i must be the one that looks for the challenge and not the other way around where i wait for circumstance and try not to be its victim and manipulate it to make me stronger. actually, what's written above is nothing but bullshit. more about me (again)...hmmm...i am tall, dark and handicapped (temporarily mentally disabled). my personality depends on my mood. i can be a party animal or an anti-social, and....ummm... i prefer to be the person of last resort when it comes to being asked for help for i am not the type who feels good that i have done a good deed (can't admit it actually), i like to drive fast in fancy cars and chickens dig me like granola bars, loves food trips, likes road trips, hates hot, uncomfortable long trips, poet and novelist wannabe (my way of immortalizing myself ala william blake), planning to reverse some of my habits, agrees with some of the ideas of marx, machiavelli, nietzsche and foucault, i am not a communist and will never be (just interested in studying and analyzing the Philippine left as a movement), i am not deep, just different (and very humble), predictably unpredictable, i am a walking contradiction (one of my favorite descriptions of myself)...ummm....i'm just here to help anyway so there's no point filling this up pala (wow conyo). just got nothing to do kasi (more conyotics). i think this is enough, for now.