Saturday, January 07, 2006

Just woke up. Its already 12:30 in the afternoon and I still have loads of cases to read. I was supposed to wake up at 7 in the morning but I ignored my alarm clock…again! What's the point of setting the alarm clock to wake me up every morning when I ignore it every time it rings? I'm so undisciplined. That’s why the assigned cases and readings I’m supposed to read keeps piling up and I wont be able to finish reading it and I wont be able to catch up with the class. The year just started and I’m already burying myself alive! I always get called for recitation and whenever I hear my name get called, I always start the recitation with a "huh? Me?" or "huh? What are we discussing again?” I better pull myself together or my professors won’t have second thoughts of giving me a failing grade. Wow, it took me nine minutes just to write this crap.