Wednesday, October 10, 2007

what have i been up to? well, just watched resident evil 3 (resident evil: extinction) a while ago, and it wasnt that bad. but it wasnt as good as i hoped it would be. i think its more worth watching on video than in cinemas. anyway, last friday, we watched a film for evidence. its "the return of martin guerre", which is based on a true story. i liked it so i watched it again the following day (two screening dates because because not all classes are available in one screening date). what else did i do last friday? i cant seem to remember. but for saturday, i spent most of my day in the library researching for my memorial. i was supposed to start on it last friday but it seems i wasnt able to do that. like i said, i cant remember what i did last friday aside from watch the film for evidence. wait, i remember now. we had another one of them tax lectures before the evidence film. and before that, i was reading my PIL readings to find stuff i can cite for my memorial. so i was able to work on my memorial as early as friday. then on sunday, i continued doing my research for PIL. so research in the library for saturday and online research for sunday. then monday, had succession, went to the mall to eat and read some more PIL stuff to cite and by monday night, started doing the memorial which i thought i could finish quickly. i was wrong of course because come 11am of tuesday, im still not done or not as done as i wanted to be. i think i took too long in some arguments that i forgot to apportion enough time for the other arguments. i thought i would finish it soon enough that i would be able to meet the deadline. well, i was able to submit it on time but i wasnt really able to write everything i wanted to write. anyway, had a sleepless night but still attended the tuesday succession class scheduled at 4pm which started at around 5pm. as for today, i started studying for the transpo exam for saturday. im aiming to study for evidence and tax tomorrow. as for succession, im reading it in "piecemeal" method