Wednesday, October 24, 2007
its wednesday morning, the week after i last wrote a blog entry. the previous week was anything but slow. tuesday last week was supposed to be the day i was going to study for my tax law final exam. i did study but not quite the way i wanted. i started studying in the library but i was just so sleepy and tired and the next thing i know, im heading to Trinoma to have some lunch. i ate at taco bell and after having three rounds of re-fillable iced tea, i wasnt feeling very well. so i went to sm north to walk the feeling of excessive fullness off. then went back to UP to try to study again. hours were wasted but fortunately, the tax lectures of erwin and kate were good and very helpful that when i took the exam, im not really going to battle without any ammunition. thats one thing you hope in every exam in case for some stupid reason you werent able to fully prepare yourself, have something sensible to write. anyway, right after the tax exam, its time to worry about succession. but i rented a movie first before officially starting to review for succession. so i used the remaining hours of wednesday, the entire thursday and friday morning studying for succession. and the time to take the exam came and when i finished it, my mind went blank. i just dont want to think about it. sure i was able to answer everything but everything was uncertain. crap. thats not good. anyway, by that time, i was pestering people about the PIL schedule for the ala moot court exam. i would rather think of PIL than succession. anyway, the second part of the PIL exam wasnt confirmed until monday morning, the same day of the exam. the exam was scheduled for 2 days, and fortunately or unfortunately, i was scheduled on the 2nd day. so most or some if not most, were surprised and confused of the sudden confirmation and schedule of the exam. and now, its the day after that exam. so the week was just about taking an exam or studying for an exam.