Sunday, July 08, 2007

what the? its already past 12 noon! why am i surprised? well, i just woke up. it seems that i was knocked out when i slept last night. but i didnt sleep that late. i think i slept around 130am, which is not unusual, i sleep around that time but i wake up (but not get out of bed) between 6-8am. i get out of bed between 9-10am. its just this time, i slept around 1o hours straight like im passed out or something. thats why when i looked at my clock and saw its already noon, i quickly got out of bed. i think im still recovering from the mid week drinking i did. or i drained myself too much yesterday. nope, cant be. although i was almost in tears for unknown reasons while reading a tax law book (i become teary-eyed for unknown reasons and the next thing i know a swirl of emotions start kicking-in). its like my mental side is already exhausted and my suppressed emotional side is trying to make itself felt. with a weak mind, the emotional part could take the oppotunity to overpower my "mental defenses". but unlike before, i wont make that mistake again, so i stopped reading and took a short walk. it worked, walking it off got my emotional side under control. so, does that explain why i had the heavy sleep? maybe, maybe not. i mean, its not like i studied intensively nor was it a long period of time. maybe there were situations that called for my emotional side and didnt let it take over, suppressing it because its "out of character". wow, its a sunday afternoon and im formulating non-sensical theories. better eat my breakfast and lunch and start studying. ive already wasted my morning.