twenty seven years and nine days. im twenty seven years and nine days old. and i started it by sitting in front of the hospital where i was born. twenty seven years and nine days ago, i came out of a womb as a skinny little infant. totally clueless that after twenty seven years and nine days, i would be sitting in front of a building where i took my first breathe of air.
i didnt purposely go to the hospital. i was there out of necessity. my sister was very ill and had to be confined and this was the nearest hospital where she can be confined for further observation. i sat inside my ever reliable van i call ___, parking it in front of the hospital. thats how i ended up sitting in front of the hospital where i was born, staring at it for hours. at that time, we didnt know my sister had to be confined so i waited outside. it took hours before the hospital people decided to have her confined for the night.