almost forgot to do a recap of the day. i really should do this daily in order to establish some order and routine in my currently chaotic life.
well, woke up. then what? hmm. oh yeah, today was my appointment with the dentist. i was scheduled to be at the clinic by 10am. arrived a little late due to the heavy traffic caused by a minor collision between a bus and a private vehicle. another dentist looked at my xray because the other one was not available. i then went to UP to claim my CNDR. bumped into sao when i was in panic mode since i was worrying about a lot of things and my mind was going overdrive. she probably thought i was having some nervous breakdown. then went home after getting the document. had lunch. fell asleep. woke up. went to Mcdo Matalino to get some coffee and try to study. then went home. got pissed with the warm weather. blogged about it. it rained. fixed my twitter account. thats it.