Wednesday, March 12, 2008

i could be having dinner with my blockmates and eating some free food but im at home doing some civ pro digests. my hand hurts already.
i think ive found a good place to study. lately, ive been going to the mall and always, my time is just wasted because i just take my lunch there and dont even spend at least an hour of studying. im better off having lunch in UP because not only do i get to study in the library, i also save money since the food is much cheaper. my problem with studying in the library is that i feel too restrained and its a bit incovenient to go to the restroom because i always study in the third floor. and i also have this problem of being in the mood to study in a particular place. if i get tired of studying in a certain place, i need to move in another spot because my brain wont absorb anything once im not in the mood to be in the place. how picky! so i need to learn quickly how to determine which place im in the mood to study in so i could maximize my time

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Taking a break from writing digests...

..and doing some moblogging :)

Maybe i should be some kind of guidance counselor/tech support guy. People always ask my opinion regarding their relationships (family, friends, even romantic relationships) and also ask me if i can fix techie (even mechanical) related stuff.

As for my opinions regarding relationships, i always try to think of unconventional advice, if there's any. Why? Because if they want to hear what most people would say, i wont bother to help the person because they could ask for it from other people. I try to give the kind of help that only a few would (not could) give. Like brutally honest answers. Sometimes i just say things what i think people should hear (ala matrix oracle).

As for techie stuff, i dont know how that is acquired. Not that im an expert (im not) but i would say i know enough to fix and handle most techie related concerns. They say its a guy thing. Well, not really but it seems more guys have the tendency to be better with techie related things. Anyway, i just happen to learn and understand techie related things quickly. I like to tinker with gadgets and other mechanical/electronic things. But not to the point of opening and disassembling it. Well, I know how to assemble a PC. Thats a no brainer for experts or even above average techie guys. For me, i just know enough. Enough to handle each forward step of technology.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Domestic life

I have to remind myself not to go home if possible. I think im better off anywhere than being at home. Well, when it comes to peace of mind at least. And i still call it home and not a mere house where my family resides because, it still is a very nice home. It just so happens that i dont fit in it. Whenever im at home, i get burdened with stuff and never really given that amount of time i need to really relax (and when i say relax, i mean peace and comfort without being disturbed in any way. Thats why i like to be home alone). Someone's always knocking on my door or asking me to do stuff. And the reason they ask me and not somebody else (and there are lots of somebody else) is because they reason out that im the only one capable. Yeah right. Its either they really are clueless of the skills of other people (who are better than me with regard to some stuff and usually its the stuff they are asking me to do) or they just like to pick on me because i easily give in. That sucks. I just hate my current domestic life. And my social life isnt any better because of my loner tendencies (i just have to stay away from people from time to time) and my demanding academic life.