Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Taking a break from writing digests...
Maybe i should be some kind of guidance counselor/tech support guy. People always ask my opinion regarding their relationships (family, friends, even romantic relationships) and also ask me if i can fix techie (even mechanical) related stuff.
As for my opinions regarding relationships, i always try to think of unconventional advice, if there's any. Why? Because if they want to hear what most people would say, i wont bother to help the person because they could ask for it from other people. I try to give the kind of help that only a few would (not could) give. Like brutally honest answers. Sometimes i just say things what i think people should hear (ala matrix oracle).
As for techie stuff, i dont know how that is acquired. Not that im an expert (im not) but i would say i know enough to fix and handle most techie related concerns. They say its a guy thing. Well, not really but it seems more guys have the tendency to be better with techie related things. Anyway, i just happen to learn and understand techie related things quickly. I like to tinker with gadgets and other mechanical/electronic things. But not to the point of opening and disassembling it. Well, I know how to assemble a PC. Thats a no brainer for experts or even above average techie guys. For me, i just know enough. Enough to handle each forward step of technology.