i really should oblige myself to post something in this blog. ive neglected this site from quite some time. besides, i need to improve my writing skills.
so, what can i write for tonight? well, nothing much happened today. just stayed home, since it's official, im on christmas break! i received a text message from grace telling me that the make up classes for civil procedure will not push throught. well, that is good news for this year but a bit of a bad news for next year. not having the classes this tuesday and wednesday means a heavier load next month and next year, and that we will have to catch up with more lessons. also, there are other make-up classes for other subjects. so, well, not sure right now whether to savor the break while there's the chance to take a rest and relax, or to still study in order to minimize the load for next year. cant it be both? well, of course it can, but it wont be much as good if i choose only one, but at least i get to accomplish two things. oh well, hope i get to decide by the time a wake up later.